Bibi gave birth to Nestor's and her two kittens on thursday 15 August 2013! Bibi really likes to be catmother for the first time. We do not know yet if it is a female and a male or in another way.
Födelsevikten var 107 respektive 95 gram. I morse, söndag, och ca 3 dygn senare, är vikterna 162 och 143 g.
Birth weights were 107 and 95 g. This morning, about three days later, it is 162 and 143 g.
Det är mycket kärlek i kattbolådan
It is big love in the "cathouse".
Två olika storlekar:-)
Differences in sizes.
"Liten" sover sött efter diandet av den nyttiga råmjölken.
Little one sleep sweet after having been fed by Bibi with the strengthening"rawmilk"